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Old 04-17-2013, 07:58 AM
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Join Date: May 2011
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I was going to have to look at some of these, but by chance, tried the insoles that you see at Walmart - the ones that you step onto the machine and it checks the parts of your feet that need support. Bought one set of the insoles and $50 later, I now walk without the huge amount of pain I had in the past. I have plantar fasciitis on the right foot. I never, never walk barefoot now, and those insoles easily go from shoe to shoe. I've been told I shouldn't wear clogs (that's all I've worn for 30 years now) and I don't intend to change if I can avoid it, and with the insoles, its perfect. I can even wear slippers again (with the insoles). You might try that first before investing in the expensive shoes. My husband bought $300 insoles several years ago and now needs new ones --- he tried the Walmart insoles as I did and it didn't work for him....but Walmart took the insoles back. So its worth the risk!
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