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Old 04-17-2013, 03:07 PM
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Mmsewnso's theme is:

Scrapper, my dear, since I've stuck with my idea to do a flying carpet of blocks, i.e. places I've been or want to visit, you can get a head start on your blocks to add to my row if you want.

I'm thinking about my row consisting of blocks representing places I've lived (my father and ex were both in the Navy, so I've traveled --- a LOT!) Then have everyone add blocks representing where they have lived or visited or dreamed of going to see - so when it's done, it'll represent a lot of different places ... and sending a journal along with the blocks so that everyone can tell me the names of the blocks they chose and what they represent. I think it would be like a flying carpet of sorts. And since I want to sash it when I get all the rows back, I'd ask everyone to baste their blocks together and also baste to the previous row, so nothing gets lost but I can easily finish it without overworking Jack the Ripper - I think my sashing will be based on what everyone does, I'm not ready to commit to a color yet, I want everyone to let their imagination fly on this one.
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