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Old 04-20-2013, 12:16 PM
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 4

When I was about 15 or so I had a cat named Burt Reynolds. Named so because I had met the real Burt Reynolds while in Little Rock, Arkansas. He was there filming White Lightning. Burt the cat was the love of my life. He was always there when I needed a hug, a pat with a paw or just someone to hang out with in my room. A few years go by and I enlisted in the Air Force. I would call home weekly at the same time of day. Bert would jump on the counter, wait for the phone to ring and then pound on the phone with his paw until Momma answered. He would then start meowing until Momma put the phone down for him to listen to me talk to him. When I transfered closer to home he would wait in the drive way each week for me to come home. I loved him dearly and still do today although he has long gone to his happy hunting ground.
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