Old 04-21-2013, 07:03 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Between the dashes of a tombstone
Posts: 12,716

My mind is reeling from all the chatter!
Anael's blocks are so pretty--thanks for sharing them.
Seeing Carrie's 4-18 pictures of water--has water gone down and has it come back up. We had snow this morning and 53 degree temps and raining when I came home from town tonight. Go figure. Jan the rain is washing all my windows
A wedding to get ready for--how exciting DD. (When our DD got married I was secretly glad she didn't ask me to make her dress. I made alot of her clothes while growing up; but not too excited about a wedding dress.) You must be sick of the weather as we are.
Carrie FWIW Having quilted full size quilts on my DSM, I needed some support on the left side and back to carry the weight of the quilt.
QE so you took the plunge. Enjoy playing. Got a squishie yesterday
Jeanie, your flimsy looks fantastic! Love the horse scenes in the border. It brings a sense of order to the quilt. Even like the green grass in the background--first glance I thought it was part of the quilt!
Been a busy weekend. DS#3 is getting his house here in town ready to list tomorrow. They flew home Thursday night and have been cleaning, painting etc. Was in Friday after the funeral dinner I worked at; some friends came over Friday through Sunday. Went in late afternoon and cleaned fridge. Will go back tomorrow morning to help with some odds and ends. He's ready to close this chapter of his life and move on.
Mean while I have decided to move my sewing room out of the 12 x 7 1/2 foot room into the more spacious family room. Futon, kids TV, and toys will go into the sewing room. I can't believe how much more open this will be, but I have to quit buying fabric!! Am going to do some purging while sorting through things.
Found a great green marble to put with the hexi flimsy at LQS. Want to make some more progress on the move. Night all.
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