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Old 04-22-2013, 06:11 AM
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Originally Posted by paoberle View Post
I'm afraid I do not understand the problem. You did not say, but I am assuming that you were reimbursed for your costs and you agreed to make the quilt but did not charge for labor. What is the problem? Are you just uncomfortable with the cost of the materials?
I agree, I'm confused. You friend didn't have a problem with the cost of the fabric, were you expecting for her to pay you labor and did she know about the longarming and is she willing to pay the long arming. I'm just asking because since she's a friend wasn't sure if you had planned on charging her labor and that you feel guilty charging her labor sine the fabric is so much. It can be unnerving to let someone know how much something is but she wanted spectacular and that's what she got.

The next time, one someone agrees on a fabric before it's ordered let them know how much it cost so they aren't sticker shocked. I quilt and would be surprised at a 700 fabric bill. Then talk to them if you are sending it out and let them know they have to pay that expense and get an estimate for that. If charging labor then let them have an estimate on that as well. If she's willing to pay 700 for fabric I'd think she'd be willing to pay for the rest.

My sister asked me yesterday what I'd charge her to make purses for her grandkids and one for her with a matching lunch bag. I told her the cost of supplies. I probably have most of the fabric needed in my supply that I've collected along the way and some was on sale. I dont keep track. I will charge her the cost of what it would cost me to go out and buy replacement fabric today, not what I spent 5 yrs ago. There will be embroidery on them and if we use a design that I already have there will be no charge unless we buy a different design. She lives long distance so I'll send her pictures of fabric in the color schemes she wants, pics of few different patterns so she can decide. I also told her to check walmarts and if she finds fabric or patterns there to send me the info/pics and I can probably get them here. Our Walmarts fabric line is great. This is my sister and I'd do anything for her but I will make sure its all up front. The thing is she's tried sewing and quilting, she sold her machine last yr and has a big box of fabric and sewing stuff she's holding back for me when I go up this yr. She does understand cost and time to a degree and does tell you right off, it's not always easy and not everyone can do it. She'd be willing to pay my labor too, but I will settle for just charging going rates for supplies so that I can replace them if needed. No matter who you make something for, experienced sewer or not, make it all clear in the beginning. If the client (paying or a freebee) has no problem with the charges, you should be happy about that.
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