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Old 04-23-2013, 09:08 AM
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You are so lucky! My BFF had a stroke and survived 5 years before she passed away. She had a sewing/quilting room with bookcases full of fabric on bolts - she worked at a quilt shop and was paid in fabric. She had a daughter and a granddaughter and a sister with 3 daughters - so no way would I even want to ask her DH what he was going to do with her fabric after she was gone. Imagine my surprise and shock and horror, when my DH and I went to visit him one day, about a year after she died, and he said that he had spent the past two days burning all of her fabric, etc. He knew that I was a quilter so I can't even imagine why he did that. Anyway, I was able to get her totes of fabric that was in her closet, flat folded fabric. I got about a truck load altogether. Guess he did not get around to burning it yet. I also got her quilting books - in another bookcase in another room. I asked where her thread and her paper patterns were and he said they had been burned.
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