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Old 04-23-2013, 10:24 AM
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Location: Sussex , UK
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Default Grace sure stitch question

I purchased a Grace frame , janome 1600p and a sure stitch a few weeks back. I actually got to try it out yesterday armed with the list of tips from other threads on this set up. after a lot of thread snapping etc and several phone calls to the lovely company I purchased the items from we have discovered the sure stitch is faulty. Has anyone else had this problem. I tried the machine on the frame using the foot pedal( I felt like a flamingo lol). I got an almost perfect even stitch and I have never free motion quilted before. With the sure stitch i can do circles but it will not go in lines from right to left or left to right. It was jumping about four or five stitches, thread snapping etc.
The company i bought the items from have been so helpful today and they are going to send me a speed control free of charge until they get another sure stitch in stock. I just wondered if anyone else has had issues with theirs, the wires are all connected correctly and I am not going too fast. The coder wheels are running along the tracks where they should be. Any Ideas anyone?
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