Thread: History of FMQ?
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Old 04-23-2013, 11:27 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
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My mother was quilting on her Singer pedal machine back in the 1950's. She would have me and my brothers hold the rolled up quilt and help guide it through the opening in her'd best not get in a hurry and start pushing it, cause she didn't like that! She quilted it in rows, not the patterns we have today.

These were used for cover during the cold weather and boy were they warm. She also made quilts out of dungarees and overalls, using the back of the pants legs as they were not as worn as the front. These denim quilts were so heavy you could barely turn over under them; but they kept you warm.

She also years later had daddy build her a quilt frame that hung from the ceiling and she and her friends would quilt quilts by hand, mostly the Baptist Fan pattern. This brings back many fond memories, thank you for reminding me about them.

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