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Old 04-24-2013, 07:16 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 696

No, I would say. I would not waste it that way at all with the price of fabric these days. I would straighten one edge, pull from corner to corner (take a yard or 1/2 yard without cutting ) until it lays straight. Some books say one thing, but the fabric says another. Start cutting at that edge. Of course cut off the selvages. Sometimes you need the yardage along the selvages to make a border and this is much longer then the crossgrain from selvage to selvage. Use the book but also use your common sense. I do not have the book since I have been sewing/quilting for 40 some years, and sometimes a quilter can quilt and sew but cannot explain her idea. Go with what feels right to you, or again, ask and I know you will get lots of answers. Have fun, that is what it is all about. Are you working on getting a blue ribbon in a big show? I'm not. I put a lovely painted Iris in a show without borders and it was shot down and the judges wrote a not-too-well-received remark, but I have a flowered rug under the antique bed that the quilt is on and to me, that is the border. It is all in the eye of the beholder. Truly, enjoy quilting, don't let other people influence you too much. I don't anymore. If my children and grandchildren like my quilts and paintings, that is all the love and laughs I need.
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