Old 04-25-2013, 08:03 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Between the dashes of a tombstone
Posts: 12,716

I can't believe how much goes on in a few days time!
Between babies and OTM, Anael's been busy!
The mystery blocks are looking great. So nice to see them.
Finally have my machine part so I can get to sewing tomorrow night. Weather too good to stay indoors and DH will have me in the fields soon. Today made a road trip to get peas and barley (2 hours one way) so maybe it will actually get into the ground!
QE--oh joy--a new toy! Always fun to play and know you will use all the features it has to offer. Yes I had seen the GMFG finish--but really didn't want to make another 60 of the little buggers. Doesn't it make a nice finish though.
Thanks for the water update Carrie. Need to check on family in central Illinois--Peoria area is getting hit hard now. A nice finish to the BB.
Glad all's well, QNS. And prayers going out for you too Jeanie. Hey the bad days just let us appreciate the good ones!
Love the flowers ladies. 4 yo picked the first scilla for me while I was road tripping. Looked kind of ragged when it got to me late in the afternoon, but can't you feel spring in the air. Yes I hope that snowman message gets through to the PTB (powers that be).
Oh and mirabelle just comes up with another beauty she just "found" in her cupboard. Oh wait there's two. Your work is remarkable--ask me how I know--Isn't this a winner. Thanks so much Karen. Anael's advice was perfect. And looks great with DD's lovely block.[ATTACH=CONFIG]410104[/ATTACH]
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