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Old 04-29-2013, 12:18 PM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 16

Thanks for your responses, Ladies. I will try to answer the questions you've raised and give as much detail as I can remember. None of the patterns/books listed so far match the descriptions given me by my sisters. There was one pattern containing all the different styles. Some of the dresses even had bustles. They were not sunbonnets, but they were fully dressed ladies, and some of them showed partial faces beneath their hats. There were also shoes and the pattern called for seed beads used as buttons on the shoes. I know details are sketchy, but the sister that lost both the quilt and the pattern in the tornados has difficulty taking about what she lost. She is almost 80 years old and it just overwhelms her. It's amazing she even lived through it. The house she was in was complete destroyed.
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