Old 05-02-2013, 10:46 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

I KNOW what you mean I have had 2 neck surgeries myself. The first one was
on done on the front of my neck on 9-11-2007 they removed a herniated disc,
implanted a cadaver disc, along with a titanium plate and 4 screws.

Six months after my surgery they discovered that my body did what it was SUPPOSED
to do by absorbing the cadaver disc only problem was the vertibrae did not fuse together
the way it should have (only about 50%), by the 1 year post op they told me I would need
to have a second surgery if I ever wanted to be "safe".

So on 1-7-2009 I had my second surgery on the back of my neck where implanted 2 titanium
rods and 4 screws. THAT surgery gave me the most problems, to this day I still have headaches,
muscle spasms/cramps. Spent the first 2 years going to a pain management Dr trying find a "fix"
but I finally gave up and decided to make myself live with the constant pain in my neck.

My hubs suggested (in a teasing manner) that I should get a tattoo of a "scar" connecting my
two incision scars. I told him that wouldn't work because the one on the back is vertical and the
front in horizontal.

Beside when I go back to get my tattoo finished it is going to be the butterfly on a spool of thread.

Originally Posted by lynnie View Post
quiltermomma, glad you're doing better. I've got the same scars and ws thinking of putting a threaded needle tattoo on the back of my neck where I have a 4 - 1/2" scar into my hairline, making it looked like im sewed up tight. is that toooo sick to do?????
but glad youre feeling better. take it easy for awhile. i'm great at giving advice, but never follow it.
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