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Old 05-06-2013, 03:42 AM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Toms River, NJ
Posts: 77
Default Military Quilt Top

I posted this on the original thread, but I thought I'd start a fresh one here Though the pockets made sewing difficult and it came out a little puffy, I looove how it all came together!!

For those of you that haven't seen my original thread. This was made using some of my husband's old military uniforms...2 pants, one flight suit, and one jacket shirt. I bought printable fabric sheets and incorporated some pictures that one of his Army pilot buddies sent us, so they are all authentic, none are from generic internet pictures (except for the US Army one). I also sewed on some of his patches on the inside blocks. The upside down triangle thing is actually a tattoo my husband has and designed himself when he came home after his last deployment. Finally, the green one that's somewhat in the center has his info on there such as his name, years he served, and his various company names and call signs. I used the printable fabric for that as well and just typed it all up in Paint filling in the background with a green color so it would be this stark white block in the center of the quilt.

I bought camel colored flannel backing and used some of that for the border. (which was actually supposed to be green, but Joann's didn't have the "right" green...I think it worked out well!!!
I plan on using a dark brown material for the binding.

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