Old 05-06-2013, 02:22 PM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 40

Gosh aren't we all lucky! Mine is just wonderful, he repairs all the sewing machine for my quilting group that I go to, for a modest fee, as it is a hoppy for him. He repaired and set the quilting frame for the group and them prompty did his first quilting on a frame. Teaching me now, I ge a bit impatient lol. has a good eye for colour combinations, love the few qyuiltung shows that we can go to here in NZ. Fixes all types of machines from the treadle to the top end computer machines. Colects old and unwanted machines from garage salesa and tickles them into working order. Mind that when I have to share my cutting table! Now is thinking of creating a long arm machine from 2 identical older machines, did I mention he is an engineer? And can fix just about everything , if he can't fix it then it broke. Oh and he thinks I am beautiful and has loved ans still loves me for the past 30 years, is he a keeper or what!
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