Old 05-08-2013, 05:47 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Alot will depend on the kind of dye you are using. Last yr in Raleigh NC at the quilt show I learned how to dye silk using a particular dye. I know that Georgia Bonsteel has done shows on it and even Craftsy.com has a class on it. These classes are great because they are guaranteed satisfaction, once you buy them you can access them as long and as much as you like so there is no time constraints. There is some dyes that are like paints that use the sun to set them and there is even a technique called snow or ice dyeing. We were told for silk dyeing to go to thrift stores to get silk because it's cheaper. Then you can also add resist to them so that certain areas won't take on the dye. Lots of possiblilities. Good luck.
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