Old 05-08-2013, 08:06 PM
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Originally Posted by frudemoo View Post
Well, I had a thorough look at my Necchi Supernova Automatica machine last night and it's the first machine I've ever owned that was as dirty as a barbecue! The other machines I've come to own have seemed more clean and dry, even if they are dirty in areas and have packed in lint etc. This one is like a grease pit!! All the lint and dirt is stuck on with this brown grease.

Am I attempting to get all the parts back to 'shiny and new' or just 'serviceable'? ....and what should I be using to remove it? ...

I hope someone out there will be patient enough to explain this stuff to me.
So, forgive me for re-quoting my own post, but with the discussion about Kroil and Tri-flow, I'm wondering if I should be using Kroil to sort of 'de-gunge' and then Tri-flow to re-lubricate. Am I reading that correctly? I'm about to go shopping to an Auto Parts store so can pick up anything I need from there. I'd love t see if the machine actually would work once it was clean!!
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