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Old 11-15-2009, 07:20 AM
Rose Marie
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No the used one dosnt look like the newer ones but it has a nice size screen. It looks out of date so I am leary. The sales lady did say they give lessons free on how to use it.
I really would like to get one with the big hoops but they cost so much that it is impossible for me to buy one.
I wish I had looked at the brand name on it. They had several used ones but more expensive than this one.
This is a large shop that has a repair area and a large longarm sales area and a huge fabric and new machine area.
I dont know about a warranty but great idea, I will ask.
I know how expensive embroidery can get from looking at all the stuff you need to have.
My bobbins are for my large machine and will not fit others.
Thanks for the info I never thought of all those questions.
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