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Old 05-14-2013, 08:03 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 43
Default Making a Bargello Quilt

I have been wanting to make a Bargello quilt for a couple of years. Bought the pattern and have been waiting for the right time. Haha. I haven't done that much quilting so I have some questions. I have a jelly roll that I would like to use for my quilt. It has the batiks in the colors I want. However, my pattern calls for strips 2 x 32 and my jelly roll strips are 2 1/2 by 46. Can I use them instead of the size called for and will it still work if I do. I would like it to be larger than the pattern and if by using the longer and wider strips, it would be larger that would be great. But I don't know if by changing the size I would change the quilt. In my thinking I figured it wouldn't matter as long as I still did it like the pattern said. Can anyone help me with that? Thanks.
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