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Old 05-14-2013, 08:20 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Upstate NY
Posts: 482

My first Mothers Day without the love of my life and my daughter "kidnapped" me at 9:00 a.m., forcing me to dress and "get going". She drove and we headed North (Old Forge, NY) stopping at a Quick Stop for coffee and donuts. Hit garage sales on the way; stopped for a late lunch at a quaint Country Market only to find the owner was an old boss of mine when I was assistant manager of a bakery. Great food, good conversation, warm welcome and lots of laughs. In the middle of lunch it snowed so hard we couldn't see across the road (the day before it had been 68). Home just before dark. Enough time to walk my critters, feed them and head down to see my Mother-in-law. She has loved and accepted me for 45 years and was my only Mom for 40 of those years. A few tears shed, sharing memories of my Sunshine; but all in all a great day.
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