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Old 05-16-2013, 05:09 AM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Toms River, NJ
Posts: 77
Default My "office" turned "sewing room"

This very small room started out as my work at home office...then became my craft room, and well, it still is...but my new craftyness has been focused on sewing and quilting, so's my sewing room. It is just off of the kitchen...weird, I know....but my house was built in 1900 and is pretty darn quirky. I'm thinking maybe it was used as a dining room as some point, but my kitchen is big enough that we have our table in the kitchen.

But, anyhooo, here's my space:

There are still "office" things and some of my books (I'm an avid reader though most of my books are in the attic or on my three e-readers) in there mixed in with all my shtuff...and yes, those are car parts under my desk. lol We do not have a garage.
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