Old 11-16-2009, 08:10 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Mesa, Arizona
Posts: 2,201

No a fat quarter is half of a half yard - or 18" x 22".

Here goes: 1 yard of fabric consists of 36" x WOF (Width of fabric)

When you buy a yard of fabric, you get 36" x approx. 42-44". Fabric on the bolt is usually folded in half. The clerk measures out the 36" for the length but you also get the width portion which is approx. 42-44"

If you purchased 1/2 yard of fabric, which is 18" long, the width is still approx. 42"-44" wide.

Take a half yard, fold it in half, usually by the crease that the fabric has from the bolt, and cut it there. Now you have 2 pieces, or 2 fat quarters.

I am sure there is a tutorial somewhere, if you look on the Main Menu for Tutorials on this quilt board, you will find, hopefully a picture illustration.

Now just because the pattern calls for 30 fat quarters, you will ALSO have to purchase separate fabric for the binding and borders and separate fabrics for the backing. Then you have to get the batting to sandwich your quilt when you are finished.

Best thing to do is to go to your LQS and ask them about "what a fat quarter is". I am the type of person that I have to see it to catch on.

Hope this helps. And please, don't give up, it is easier than you think!
The pattern you have chosen is easy too. :-)
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