Thread: Hexie WIP
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Old 05-23-2013, 02:48 AM
Retired Fire Chief
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Saginaw Michigan
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Default Beautiful!

Thank you for posting this now. I have a small plastic "GMG kit" that I grab if I am going to be in the car for a period or if I go out on the porch and watch my dogs fish (they look for and chase fish more than just swim). I had a good quantity of small flowers like you have in the center and decided to start sewing them together with white hexies, just enough to separate the flowers. I love how you used the small flowers in the center and made larger and different shaped groupings on the outer edges. Your quilt gives me ideas on how I can vary my design. You quilt is beautiful and I understand what you mean about maybe using a long arm quilter when you are done. I keep saying mine most likely be the only had quilted quilt I will make but by the time I have enough done to make a top it may be many many years from now. Keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing it when you are done.
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