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Old 11-17-2009, 12:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Lostn51
All kidding aside my wife and I have a great marriage and honestly we have never had argument nor have we raised our voices to each other in the past 25 years. We live what I would call a traditional lifestyle hence the screen name but not one of us wear the "pants" in the family.

When we went into the marriage it was understood that all major decisions were to be made together and that we would throw everything out on the table and go from there. Also we would not tell the other "what to do", if my wife or I do tell each other what to do then that means somebody sees a train wreck up ahead and the other one is missing it.

Now that does not mean that for the last 25 years its been all peaches and cream. We have had a few bumps in the road, but nothing that we could not sit down and have a civil discussion and hammer out the details.

And I am pretty sure I have sent her back to the drawing board a few times thinking "what the hell was he thinking about" just like she has done to me, but we just shake our heads and giggle and go about our business.

Just ask her about the car I have in the attic :lol:

Oh darn it Billy. I was laughing so hard at your posts until this last one. Now you went and ruined that picture I had in my head of you with black eyes, in pain and vacuuming. I also pictured you sweet wife with the aspirin and a big smile on her face!!

I got a good laugh out of that and the comments. Thanks! About the little nightie comment---yup--I can relate to that! Actually, if I had married the first guy I was engaged to I would have been the doting wife. Thank goodness that didn't work and I wised up. Poor hubby (at the time) was lucky though since I did have the little nightie I broke out occassionally. LOL!!
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