Old 11-17-2009, 02:08 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2008
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Posts: 506

Originally Posted by KittyGram
I'm just concerned that she'll flop her tail under the needle while the machine is in motion. Yikes!!!
Ellie, the tortie at the end likes to try and catch the needle when I am sewing, it is a wonder she has never severed a toe. :? She is so fast, she will sit for hours and just watch and then all of the sudden, like a flash, her paw is up and almost under the needle. She also likes to gnaw on the pin cushion when she can get to it. She and the grey tuxedo, Wily, also like to try to eat as much thread as they can. I wish I could leave them out of the room, but they just sit at the door and scratch and cry. I can't stand to hear them unhappy. So I just try to keep an eye on them and set them up with a bed or box to keep them interested.
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