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Old 11-18-2009, 04:57 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
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I like Michael Buble', Josh Groban, Andrea Bocelli, the three tenors, classical music, Russell Watson (listen to him, he is really good), but mostly I listen to audio books. I listened to the Jennifer Chiaverini books - all of them - absolutely excellent, Earlene Fowler, JoAnne Fluke, Richard Paul Evans, the stories Marley and Me, The Art of Racing in the Rain (good story about a dog and his master as told by the dog (Excellent)). That is how I do my sewing. I am in my own little world listening to a good book and sewing. I am assuming all of you know who Jennifer Chiaverini is. If not, you are in for a marvelous treat. She has, I believe, 14 books out and they are all quilting stories from today back to the Underground times. There are two underground stories that are really good. Basically the same characters are in the books. The Underground stories are "The Runaway Quilt" and "The Lost Quilter" based ont he same person - Joanna. You have to read her books from first book to the last book, which should be out very shortly. I have it reserved at the library for me. You can take out CD audiobooks from the library - at ours it is three weeks. And if your local library doesn't carry the books/audiobooks, there is a link that can get it for you. I am in Minnesota and our link is Mnlink and I can get audiobooks from all over the state of Minnesota, Wisconsin, I have gotten them from South Dakota. So someplace along the way, they are available. I learn a lot from Jennifer Chiaverini's books also. She has quilting design books out, recipes from the books (there is a quilting retreat in the books). You gotta read them.

I am talking too much. Edie 8)
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