Old 06-04-2013, 09:39 AM
Gabrielle's Mimi
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Posts: 570

I teach quilting, and one common thing is hear is "I can't do math," or "I don't know fractions on a ruler," or "how much fabric should I get if I need 1/2 yard and 3/8 yard?" I would get rid of the thought in women's brains that says boys are good at math and science and girls are not. We women would NEVER say, "oh, I'm no good at speaking English," or "I'm not able to write a grocery list," yet I hear negative math comments all the time. I also hear things like, "my mother was no good at math either," as if math is genetic! Let's empower women to be smart and teach each other the things we might have missed in school. Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now!
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