Old 11-18-2009, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by k3n
Thanks Peach that is really interesting. :D

I was watching a TV programme the other day where Jamie Oliver (English chef) is doing a gastronomic tour of America. He was in the South doing a BBQ competition - roasting a whole pig overnight over a fire pit! He asked a local 'why redneck' and they gave the sun burned neck from working in the fields version, and also said it was a sign of pride that you worked for your living - I guess it's indicative of our changing attitudes towards good ol' fashioned hard work that make rednecks the butt of jokes - in Britain, it's an insult to call someone a 'peasant' but here in rural France, 'la vie paysanne' is still a respected way of life. :D

Sorry Joyce - you posted this to make us laugh, NOT inspire a debate!

And it was funny - so thank you for posting and sorry! :lol: :oops:
hey, I love a good history lesson with my jokes...pigs on an overnight spit? YUM! keep it coming, lol! how else are we poor redneck quilters gonna get any edjamacashun? :mrgreen:
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