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Old 06-11-2013, 10:14 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Usually in my sewing room
Posts: 813

I finished this quilt and I'm pretty happy with it up to when I quilted it. I found a design with leaves and marked the quilt on the bottom of sides in the borders. I free motioned 'Happy Birthday Susan' on the top border. then I put leaves in the green boxes and SITD around the inside of the green boxes and outside the purple boxes and across and up / down all the boxes. Apparently, I really need to have a walking foot for my Singer 301A because it rippled on the back of the quilt. Also I learned to quilt the SITD from the inside boxes to the outside so there are not bubbles and bulges. I'm not unhappy with it but I know I could have done better. Oh well. Live and learn. Any other free motion 'tricks' anyone can share would be helpful.
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