Old 06-11-2013, 12:05 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Morgantown PA
Posts: 223

Our Guild voted to raise the dues to $36 per year. Otherwise, much time and effort had to be used to raise funds. We used to make a quilt for raffle every-other year. But with the paperwork required to sell chances, the work involved in making the quilt, the expense involved in fabrics and longarm quilting, the time involved in selling chances and collecting the money....it just got to be too much. And, we weren't making much of a profit. Some ladies just paid for the tickets they were supposed to sell because they didn't like "selling"! So, basically, they aren't paying anymore. We also tried nights at restaurants where we got 10% of the sales, and selling car wash tickets. There wasn't much opposition when the dues went from $20 to $36. By the way, our Guild is limited to 50 members, and each member has to perform a job in the Guild as well as make a charity quilt each year to maintain membership.
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