Old 06-13-2013, 05:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
Nancy I know what you and yours is going thru. We were the caregivers for Pats mother and grandmother and lived in our guest for ten years. Grandma lived to 103 and we had to go thru their stuff and the houses up north. Lots of stuff nice stuff but like you had to sell and give away or donate. I was very hard. We are still cleaning out our house of all the stuffs we think we need. I would love to have seen some of those clocks as you know I collect them to.
Skip, if you are ever out this way you can stop by here - we have about 10 of Dad's clocks. He had been collecting/repairing clocks for over 30 years so he had quite a collection. All of the clocks are antiques/vintage - some over 100 years old. All of them work. Between the siblings and grandkids lot of the clocks were kept, but there were probably 60 left that we had to get rid of - we just didn't have room for them all even though a lot of the clocks Dad had kept were rare, extremely valuable and very old. You would have been in heaven I am sure, plus he had some really rare old clock repair tools - tons of clock repairing tools! My FIL really wanted my DH to take up clock repair, but Rod was just never interested. I think that is a shame, as those old clocks are so charming - kind of like the old sewing machines!


Last edited by BoJangles; 06-13-2013 at 05:37 AM.
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