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Old 06-14-2013, 01:53 PM
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Posts: 90

Originally Posted by KathyPhillips View Post
How did you get the 2.5" squares into hexes? I have a pattern called Not your GFG. It uses strips sewn together and recut into triangles that form hexes. Yours is very beautiful!! Love the colors! I have one on my chair that my Mother made for me entirely by hand sewing the blocks together and quilting by hand in the early 1970's. I sew by machine.
Sorry Kathy, I forgot to respond to this. I took the 2.5" square and simply basted it "as is" around the cardstock hexie and didn't worry about the the extra bits rather than having a perfect 0.25" seam allowance around all siz sides. Some sides have more than necessary but there is a minimum of 0.25" at the smallest point.

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