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Old 06-16-2013, 06:21 AM
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 5

I'm sure my Kenmore would work fine for whatever I'm actually wanting to do now. I've always had the mindset of bigger is better. I do know that that's not true though I know the PC420 has a lot more stitches than the SQ9050, a few more buttonholes, custom stitch feature, a few more feet, and a few more lettering styles. Probably nothing I'll ever need.

So, I thought I had narrowed it down between those 2 but there is another that I had looked at. It's the Brother SE400. I know that this one does embroidery and sewing. After reading through all of the posts I can find on here I do know that it only has a 4x4 hoop which limits the patterns you can get. I've never done embroidery but I would love to be able to do that also. I'm not anticipating needing any huge designs. Is 4x4 good enough for a beginner for the things like jean pockets or embroidery on quilt squares? Wal-Mart and Amazon both have those for $282.49 (regular $359). Is embroidery expensive? I've also seen where people talk about stabilizers and embroidery thread? I thought I could just use regular sewing thread. I won't have tons of money to spend on all the extras to embroidery. I thought I could just embroider directly on whatever material I was going to use without a stabilizer. As you can tell I'm totally lost and I'm sorry for throwing a monkey wrench into the mix but I truly appreciate all of your suggestions and opinions. Thanks so much
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