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Old 06-17-2013, 01:48 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Franklin, TX
Posts: 124

I was first introduced to quilts in the 70's (I think I wanted to go join a commune! LOL) I tried one, simple squares, it looked horrible, but I tried again about 10 years later. 8 pointed rolling star... still looked horrible, so about 10 years after that I tried the same pattern again. (I am tenacious, if nothing else!) anyway... when that attempt also turned out bad, I finally found out that the pattern I was using did not have even diamonds. Needless to say, I was pretty turned off for a long time. Well, my mother-in-law passed away recently, and among her things were two quilts that she had been working on when my husband and I were first married (1973). They are now mine, and it re-ignited the desire. I always have to have something to do with my hands.. crochet, knit, embroidery, etc, but I find that quilting doesn't hurt my hands, AND it gets me away from the TV. I'm working on a Jacob's Ladder pattern currently, VERY traditional fabrics, and it is turning out much, much better. Wish me luck.
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