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Old 06-19-2013, 04:56 PM
Sewing_Hubby's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: North Carolina, USA
Posts: 33

Wow! I'm hurt. I am a quilting hubby and my wife of 27+ years (so far) is my support. I was raised in a large family that all quilted and sewed. Sewing and quilting has been in my blood for as long as I can remember, even all those many years in the military. Now, after 3 heart surgeries and a ton of daily medication, sewing and quilting are about the limit I have on physical activities. My wife does not like to stay still. She is retired military, works two jobs ( because she loves what she does), runs marathons, works out daily, and spoils me terribly. She loves going shopping with me for quilting supplies, picking out fabric, visiting shows and symposiums. She does not actually quilt though. I have a Grace Z44 Pro hand quilting frame setup as a king size, and a Gracie King frame with a Juki in it. I enjoy all of it. We have a 12 year old who is also a sewer and quilter, but, he also is a straight A student, and golfs on the schools team. He plays classical piano (going on 8 years of lessons so far) and alto saxophone (4 years so far).

Bottom line is... This hubby quilts and has a wonderful wife who whole heartedly supports it and we have a son who is following along the trail too.

Thanks for sharing your space with me here on this site. I enjoy being here.

AKA Sewing_Hubby
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