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Old 06-20-2013, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by leatheflea View Post
.... Years later I read John Flynn's bio and he too battled with depression and his quilting and classical music help him through it. For those of you that don't know John look him up. It made me feel better to know that I wasn't the only crazy quilter out there!
I've known John for about ten years now, have taken several classes from him and had many conversations with him and his wife, Brooke, and never knew that!

I agree, quilting is good for the blood pressure and is great therapy. I knew a woman whose husband had a mid-life crisis and affair. She worked on a huge crazy quilts for months waiting for him to figure things out and come back to her, which he did. She choose crazy quilts because her life was so crazy then. She said it saved her sanity and kept her from killing him. LOL
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