Old 06-24-2013, 06:01 AM
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Location: Austin, Minnesota
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So happy you arrived safely - thank you jaba for posting photo of the pillow covers and the runner you made and sent me - I have the runner sitting in my bay window and have all kinds of stuff sitting on it and the pillows are well used - we like to stretch out on the sofa and sometimes unintentionally we doze off; that happens a lot at our house lately with all the crazy weather we've been having. We are running on sleep depravation - Mr. Beasley, our big dog, is terrified of thunder and lightning - I'm not a fan of doggie downers so refuse to start him on meds if they're not necessary; we'll get by as the storms pass but this season has been a month of thunder and lightning.

Had a very relaxing day yesterday - went to see one of my friends in the cities and her and her fella live on the lake so had a nice long boat ride tour of the lake - homes were spectacular - after our boat ride we cooked homemade pizza on the grille and then went to see the play Joseph and the Amazing Technocolor Dreamcoat; it was the perfect day spent with friends.
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