Thread: copyright?
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Old 06-25-2013, 05:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Bneighbor should take you to a website that will explained what copyright are and are not. What the owner/seller/buyer rights are.
Much has been written about this subject on this and many other "craft/sewing/embroidery forums. Some correct, most not. I was very surprised after reading these articles. This subject has been written about on this forum as late as last week. I actually found the Tabberone website by accident several years ago when my husband was seeking answers concerning copyright and patent questions. Very interesting reading. Not to chastise anyone, but False or misleading information, even given with good intentions, is still false information. Always consult your attorney when seeking legal advise.
Be aware that the information on the Tabberone website is merely one person's opinions and experiences. She is NOT an attorney, nor does she claim to be. She is simply an eBay seller who has been sued multiple times for copyright infringement and has made a name for herself by publicizing her experiences. Her information can be just as false or misleading as anyone else posting here.

I agree with dunster, contact the designer if you have any questions or doubts.
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