Old 06-25-2013, 07:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Quilty-Louise View Post
I will NOT be joining in for July.

Dad had a heart attack yesterday, and has decided to NOT receive
medical help. Which means he is now in the care of hospice.

I have always heard from my friends that their parents/grandparents
often times would pass about 6 months (sometime longer) after the
death of their spouse.

But in my dads case after about 6 weeks he has decided to "give up"
his fight so he can go be with his "Annie". We all respect his DNR and
living will wishes. Though it is hard knowing that I will be losing my
only remaining parent.
I'm so sorry you are going through this. My brother passed away a little over a year ago and my dad followed him by a few months. I was so concerned about mom but so far she's hanging in there -- of course, she has cleaned every closet twice, painted the bath, had new windows installed, is getting a drainage system put in the yard, have the driveway reworked and the paneling in the living room repaired. I'm going to be very concerned when all her projects are finished. She will have to face her both her losses then.

You are doing the right thing to respect his wishes. Take your time with your dad. I left the hospital only 3 times (only for a couple hours each time) during daddy's illness. He was recovering, we thought, so I went home his last night. I made it back just as he had a massive heart attach. I don't feel guilty for going home but I do wish I had stayed and had those few hours at least in the same building with him.

You will be in my prayers!

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