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Old 06-26-2013, 11:07 AM
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Default Long Arm questions

I'm doing my home work ... considering a Long Arm. I test drove just about all of them this past week in Chicago at the show. I have a few basic questions.

I'm considering a smaller machine (18" - 22") and wondering if I would be able to do a King size on either machine. I neglected to ask this question of the rep's. Most of the machines have a very high harp area, so I doubt if they would be a problem, but some (Tin Lizzy for example) has a much lower harp area and I worry that there is not enough harp space for a larger quilt. So ... what is the minimum harp height I should look for on an 18" or 22" machine??

Also ... how important is the "dead bar" to you? Is this an option that you would not live without??

I'm still early days in my homework, but I went to the show with the express purpose of "would I like the way it feels" and "could I control it with accuracy". The answer to both was YES especially with micro-handles (boy those made a considerable difference!!).

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