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Old 06-27-2013, 06:13 AM
Donna Bates
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Hill Country, TX
Posts: 31
Default Will of a Fabric Preservationist

Sifting thru old files this morning I came across this. No idea where I picked it up but I saved it back in 2000. Today a copy, signed and dated, will be tucked into the pouch that contains our wills. I've no doubt that my wishes will be carried out - doubts are that anyone could gather it all at once as my stuff is, as stated in the document below 'deposited in various places throughout my house for safe keeping.' However, now that I think about it, it's only fair that my daughters will be blessed with the joy of the hunt -- my mom and MIL both trusted me with the disposal of their collections--which included vintage linens and sewing machines and tools, including items from their mothers. Seriously, these tangable collections, precious gems that they are to me, will ultimately turn to dust. For now though, I enjoy using some things, patting others, these touch stones to precious memories.

Will of Fabric Preservationist, ________ ________ <o></o> <o></o>
Being of sound mind and body (a statement that does not bear close scrutiny)
I ________ ________do hereby record my last will and testament.
Knowing that, my immediate family (including the following: husband, sister, daughter)
has no appreciation, or for that matter knowledge of my extensive fabric collection, which,
by the way is deposited in various places throughout my house for safe keeping.
Knowing also that the immediate family above, has also notified the goodwill
store should I precede him or her to that great quilt shop in
the sky, to pick up and dispose of the afore mentioned collection.
Therefore, I do WILL this collection and all other collections related
to it, to my dear fellow fabric preservationist ________ ________.
It is my wish that she, upon hearing of my death, and obtaining clear
proof that I did not manage (although goodness knows I tried) to take
it with me, will come to my home, before the goodwill store searches
out my collection. That she should rescue said collection and
stack it in my quilting studio, along with my sewing machines, frames,
old buttons, lace, patterns, quilts, dolls and works in progress. And
after she has done that, she should purchase refreshments for all
my friends, not yet departed, which friends are also her friends, and
every last one shall be in that room and they shall hold a wake and
say lots of lovely and kind things about me until they run out and
then they shall divide amongst themselves my wonderful collection.
Be forewarned! I shall be hovering over that very spot until this is done.
_______ et’all, shall then leave this spot and close the door, leaving the car,
house, stocks, bonds and other worldly nonsense to those who don't understand
or know any better. This is my wish on the matter.
Signed: _______ ________
Date: ____ -____ -____
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