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Old 06-29-2013, 07:49 PM
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Cool No Batting VS Batting, and what kind.

I just finished a string pieced, 60" X 60" lap-sized quilt top. It's all sewn together now, and quite gorgeous, if I may toot my own horn! Each block was "foundation pieced" on unbleached muslin. So given the thickness of the string piecing along with the muslin base, a number of ladies in my quilting group are trying to get me to quilt it directly onto the back, no batting. That would be great here in Nevada, where it gets hot, but this quilt is meant for a grand niece in Michigan. I grew up in Michigan, and the winters are cold! I'm not sure this would be warm enough without batting. I was told if I used regular batting, like Hobbs 80-20, the quilt would be too stiff and not drape well. I do have a thinner cotton batting meant for wall quilts or table runners I could use. Would that give me a better drape? Would regular batting make it too stiff? What would you do? Help! It's a graduation present and I want it to be nice.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!
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