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Old 11-21-2009, 02:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Tiffany
I'd say she's definitely worth $500! I hope she goes for the highest price possible and that you and your family have a nice Christmas.

Out of a hope that lemons can make lemonade, could this be an opportunity for you to start your own business? You are definitely talented! Maybe a local quilt store or group would be willing to let you teach a class or two. Heck, I'd love to take a class on the paintsticks from you and I would think there would be others in your area who would be glad to take a class or two. Just a thought.

If I had $500 I would give it to you in a minute!
You are a real sweetheart. Thanks a lot.

I have my on-line business but had to return my permit to the taxation department this week. If I have a registered business I don't qualify for unemployment and my on-line store doesn't sell enough to suppot my family. Three or four quilts a year don't feed two boys. So, as of yesterday I don't have my business either. It was more like a hobby I learned a lot from. Not only quilting, but managing and designing a web site. I will reopen it when I find another job, but I will have to move first. I see a lot of changes coming my way.
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