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Old 07-02-2013, 03:18 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Posts: 374

I cannot draw. BUT, I know a very professional copy service that can copy a graphic any way I need to have it copied: all of it, exactly like I gave it to them, larger, smaller, all of it, some of it, huge, or minuscule, etc.

Also, there are different types of copies. Talk to the copy people. They are very good at what they do. Depending on what you end up wanting, maybe pricey depending what you want, but do talk to them they will save you grief and your valuable time in the end.

So. What I do is pack up my camera. Take lots of shots of whatever graphic info I am interested in and go home. I shoot digital so when I get home I download what I got on my camera into my computer and take a look at the pictures. If they need to be "fixed," I fix the best of the bunch (lighting, shadows, highlights, etc.).

Then I copy my fixed graphics and it is off to the client to have them make a choice. Or, sometimes with some clients, it is back to the picture shooting stage again.

Once I have got the picture, here of the horse, I head for the kind folks at the copy center. You have already talked to them and know exactly what they can do for you. You get the copy exactly the size you are going to need it for the final picture for the quilt.

Let the cutting and sewing begin!

I hope this helps. I absolutely cannot draw. But I can use my nifty little camera and a computer drawing program. I use CS4 on my Mac. An older program, but I have it and I can make the important parts of it go.

Please let us see the quilt and shams, maybe as you go along.

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