Old 07-04-2013, 04:48 AM
Cecilia S.
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 670
Default Passed by a Singer 401 A on the sidewalk...

...And I let it stay there!

I was terribly proud of myself. My tiny living space is already bursting at the seams with sewing machines, and I am already too distracted from my work by the urge to tinker on these lovely old stitchers. When I saw this old sewing machine out on the sidewalk, abandoned on moving day, of course I had to slow down and take a look. But, I carried on and left it there! For someone else! Not me! Yay!

This is a-major- advancement in the management of my newly-developed psychological condition called MachinusMustusRescuitus.

I was -so- proud of myself. Can't rescue 'em all, right?

Wasn't I strong? Wasn't I tough? Did I show amazing sensibility and restraint and generosity to my fellow beings who would then come along and find this beauty?

All of the above. Oh, and I was also on my bicycle. And laden with groceries. And twelve kilometres from home. And the machine was in a cabinet. And...

Maybe I don't get the accolades for self-control after all ;-)

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