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Old 07-04-2013, 05:45 AM
Caroline S
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Originally Posted by miriam View Post
We could help you paint up the school bus... Every where you stop someone could paint a quilt square on it. Yup tow the Pathfinder. Make a good tent for the garage... sleep on top of Elaine's fabric stash - it would be soft - it is just a matter of how you fold it. .
Mental picture here of a vintage sewing machine 2013 hippie/quilty greyhound bus. It would be painted with quilt squares and vintage sewing machines. What a great advertisement for a business to repair old sewing machines or rescue them. I can see you and Elaine all set up at flea markets all across the country. Joe would be treadling along making wacky bags and Elaine making and selling her wares using the sewing machines she claimed from you. Don't forget the cats. They would have there own digs in the bus all set up with cat trees and kitty accessories that Elaine makes. Oh, I could go on and on. Let us all add to Joe and Elaine's future travel plans.
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