Old 07-06-2013, 03:23 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: East Tennessee
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Hey, Krystyna, it's not "one day, I'll be good enough to try it". My goodness, I'm not the best quilter that's ever come down the pike. I have won some ribbons in my entering, but county fairs are fairly easy to win ribbons (if you're half a quilter, that is) and my other ribbons have never been a "Best of ..." except for that GI Sue hanging above. (In the AQS show, she won Best Hand Quilting - and in this NQA show, the judge told me I needed to practice my quilting stitches and get more consistent !). My Sashiko quilts are pushed to the side, the judges don't know what they are. I've found the biggest fear we quilters have of entering shows is the fact our quilts don't measure up to a judge's criteria. Get over that!! I figure, in my opinion, my quilts are pretty good - I've even sold one for some good money. A judge is only expressing her opinion - and it may be way different from another judge (i.e. GI Sue) or mine - or yours, for that matter. Find one you're proud of and enter it - the first one's the hardest!
Thanks Jaba, I enjoyed making your patriotic hanger. Need to get back to Holloways to get the new die cuts...
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