Old 11-22-2009, 12:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Admin
Originally Posted by justme
thank you,,,,,,, are you transfering the "my Bookmarks"? I like that feature
I guess so. It seems like many people are using this feature.
Ever since "tube quilting" was added as a thread, I have bookmarked the original thread. Now, when newcomers want to know where the link it, I can open a new window, find my bookmark, go to the thread, and copy the link - - easy peasy! Without bookmarks, I can't imagine what all could go wrong, but I can pretty much be sure that I won't be the one answering the questions, since LOOKING and looking and looking is not an option in my life style <g>
I am happy to know that you will be including the bookmark in the new format. THank you <wave>
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