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Old 07-11-2013, 05:31 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

I sooo know what you mean. Earlier this year I had to take my machine
in for "emergency surgery" (hahaha funny joke) because I was having
some ugly issues with it plus I made the mistake of leaving my (LARGE)
spool of bobbin thread to close to the right side of the machine where
the "wheel" is located and ended up with it winding around the wheel,
it was an ugly mess and a mistake I vow to NEVER make again.

It took them a MONTH to service my machine only because this all
happened right about the time they were moving into a new larger

I DID have my smaller & older machine, but using that machine is just
not the same by a LONG shot, largest hoop is 5x7, only way to to use
designs is via a card (to which right now I can't find none of the 4 cards),
smaller viewing screen, etc....

Originally Posted by Sophie2 View Post
I hate to be without my machine for a week while they clean it, so I try to take it to the shop on my way out of town for a weeks' vacation or out of town for the holidays. I can usually schedule it ahead of time so they have me on the schedule. There is one shop that says it I schedule it ahead of time, I can drop it off in the morning, do some shopping, and pick it up in the afternoon. Of course, this is for cleaning, not for a mechanical problem. We hate to be without our "babies"
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