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Old 07-11-2013, 12:32 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Northern Michigan
Posts: 12,861

I make A LOT of quilts every year- mostly queen sized, once in a while a twin or baby---I don't enjoy those as much so don't make them as much- I work full time outside of my home- I manage to keep the house up - with the help of a wonderful supportive hubby- we get up early (5 am every morning) on Saturday after breakfast we 'dive in' he cleans both bathrooms, including mopping the floors, I strip our bed, clean the kitchen, vacuum all the rooms with carpeting- through out the week we keep things up- so it only takes an hour or two. I (waste) very little time- I always have hand work to do if I want to sit & watch a ball game or something I work on my hand project- I start my day with a cup of coffee & head for the sewing room- I have 2 hours to sew/prep/work on what ever before I have to hit the shower & go out the door- I take my 'hand work' with me- for those 'empty moments' when I get home I look through the mail & head for the sewing room- get an hour or so in before time to start dinner- we eat, both of us clean up, do the dishes together- hubby heads for his favorite chair- I head for the sewing or quilting room. if we don't have plans on the weekend I can spend all day working on what ever I want- if we do have plans I still have my early morning & later in the day- I generally quilt a queen sized quilt in 2-8 hours depending on the complexity. I may work on it for an hour or so-then move to the sewing room & sew for a while- ...I just stay {on task} some quilts I work on off & on for a year or more- some of them seem to go together fairly quickly- sometimes I may have 6 different ones in various stages that all of a sudden all come together at is not uncommon for me to make 30-50 quilts in a year---without a housekeeper, cook, chauffeur... or any of those other things someone stated...and I make it to work each and every day- I just don't sit around staring at the tube doing nothing....thinking about what I wish I had time for...I make the time for the things I want to do.
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