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Old 07-17-2013, 02:19 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: NH
Posts: 645

In my bee of eight, we did several fun swaps. One time, we each chose our own pattern and passed out kits with our own fabric and pattern for our friends to sew for us. That was fun to get to try blocks that I would otherwise not have chosen. Another time, we passed out packets of Christmas fabric and the sewist chose her own pattern in secret. Over a year's time we sewed a block of one pattern seven different times and gave these out at our Christmas party. It was so fun to see the big reveal and how each block looked in each members fabric . Most of us even finished the blocks into quilts and hung them in the guild show the next spring. One time, at Christmas, we put a UFO in a bag and each person got a bag(not her own). Then over the next year, we made something out of that UFO, and anything went! One gal made a pocket on a bag with an orphan block, another made a pot holder, another made a lap quilt, etc. it was fun to do and the surprise came when you got your own UFO back finished into something. Our guild friendship group usually chose one block, and each member was assigned a months to receive the her blocks. When that month approached, we were given guidelines, usually colors and we made the blocks out of our own scraps. We signed those blocks. Lots of fun ways to share...we also had bee days when we helped each other baste, when we used to do that! Whatever you choose, enjoy!
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